Indigenous Australians are advised this page may contain images of people who are deceased.

Vicki Yen in Cape York

Special Offer
Website results letting you down?
Where's the log jam?
Let's find it.
Are you making all the basic mistakes that get in the way of your website content actually delivering for you?
Action Audit of your Website Content and Strategy only $195*
Call now to book your Custom Action Audit of your website.
I'll get you started with a 5 Point Checklist.
Then when we get together via Zoom we'll review the key content touchpoints for web performance.
- Your Key Message-are you on the right track?
- Your SEO
- The secrets to creating content that converts
- Tips how to recognise powerful content- so you can create your own
- Images - the 5 powerful things about choosing and adding images that most just people don't know (as a photographer I really love this bit).
Your 40 minute Web Action Call will deliver:
- a review of your main home page and your core website content direction.
- step you through the action tips that will power-up you site
- shine a light on the areas of your business you should be talking about
- get you working on really creating content.

Session Goals:
- Get a better understanding of the specific things that make web content more efficient for you.
- Focus on the unique results you are after.
- You'll definitely take away tips and actions you can jump onto straight away.
This is a hands-on session, where we'll dive into the key content touchpoints for web performance that few people tell you about.
- Limited number of sessions available.

Special limited time offer. Places limited. Conditions apply*